Course Overview

You get LIFETIME ACCESS with the purchase of this class which: 

  • Saves you time and money. No yoga studio membership fees and no extra time commuting in the car! 
  • Minimizes COVID-19 exposure.
  • Maximizes your privacy in practice. You don't have to be vulnerable in front of an "audience" in a studio.
  • Gets to the heart of what yoga was meant to be - a solitary practice that transforms you from the inside out, rather than the outside in. Yoga was never meant to be a "studio class" pursuit with fancy equipment, expensive clothing, and pressure to perform. 
  • Allows you privacy and convenience of practicing in your home. No expensive yoga clothes or toys required. 
  • As a self-employed mother of 3, Ginger knows what it takes to get and stay fit, healthy, and well in an efficient, time-saving way. 
  • Dr. Garner shows you how to do yoga, manage stress, AND get fit through integrative PT & MTY, like a minimalist champion. 
  • Combine yoga + physical therapy and save time - address strength, flexibility, injury prevention, pain and stress management, resilience, gut health, immunity, mindfulness, all at one time.
  • Learn how to spot red flags for injury and practice yoga in a safer and more effective way with doctor of physical therapy, licensed athletic trainer, Pilates and Professional Yoga Therapist, Dr. Ginger Garner, PT, DPT, ATC/L. 
  • Most importantly, in this yoga class you get to combine Advent, the anticipation of the birth of Jesus, with mindful movement and song. 

Class Sequence

Meet Your Instructor

Executive Director, Living Well Institute Dr. Ginger Garner

Dr. Garner, PT, DPT, ATC-Ret is a clinician, author, educator, and longtime advocate committed to improving access to physical therapy services. She is the CEO of Living Well Institute, which has trail blazed interdisciplinary training in Therapeutic Yoga and Lifestyle Medicine since 2000. She also owns Garner Pelvic Health, a private practice located in Greensboro, NC. Dr. Garner specializes in chronic pelvic pain including endometriosis, interstitial cystitis, prolapse, and incontinence, and also serves the performing arts and public speaking community with her unique "voice to pelvic floor" therapy, as well as post hip arthroscopy rehab. Dr. Garner is the author of multiple textbooks and book chapters and has presented at more than 2 dozen conferences worldwide about integrative physical therapy and health promotion across a range of topics impacting pelvic and orthopaedic health. She is an adjunct and guest lecturer for several DPT programs worldwide on topics related to advocacy, as well as endocrinology and pelvic health; and she also teaches for Herman & Wallace Pelvic Rehabilitation Institute. She is an active member of APTA, serving as the Legislative Chair for APTA NC Chapter, a Key Congressional Contact for APTA Private Practice, and a member of the Prenatal & 4th Trimester Task Force for APTA Academy of Pelvic Health. She most recently launched her new podcast on advocacy, the Living Well Podcast. Ginger lives with her family in Greensboro, NC. Visit her at,, and on Instagram and YouTube @drgingergarner

What People Are Saying

Grounded, hopeful, pain free, rested, & resilient after Dr. Garner's classes

Dr. Dina Macs, PT, DPT

You are a trusted gem in a sea of on-line unknowns, Dr. Garner, and a gift to us all. Thank you for keeping us safe, evidence-grounded, & soulfully uplifted. I have not personally experienced a more nimble biopsychosocial rehabilitation guide.

Everyone should work with Ginger as a professional and as a patient

Katie Estridge, PT, MPT

I would recommend that everyone work with Ginger Garner. She is without a doubt the best physical therapist I have ever worked with. She understands the human body like no one I have ever met.

I'm a better therapist AND mom thanks to Ginger.

Dr. Becca Ellis PT, DPT

Ginger's knowledge and experience have completely shaped my professional career, and her guidance has truly helped me be a better mom to my sweet boys.

Empowering for me and my patients

Dr. Sarah Talley, PT, DPT, WCS

Medical Therapeutic Yoga (MTY) has transformed my clinical practice and my own self care. MTY provides a framework for treating patients holistically while empowering them to care for themselves.

Feel better than I've felt in years, AND that's during the pandemic!

Dr. Michelle Walendowski PT, DPT

I’ve been practicing everything from your weekend Level I Certification on a (mostly) daily basis, and I have to say I feel healthier and just generally better than I have in years. And that’s during a worldwide pandemic!

A sustainable model for healthcare delivery

Kanchan Thakar, PT

Honestly speaking, words cannot do justice to the experience of learning from Ginger. My hope is that everyone will avail of her teachings sooner than later. Thanks to Ginger for creating a sustainable model of healthcare delivery.

Patients who struggle with finding relief from traditional PT will find a solution in Ginger's method

Dr. Sylvie Le, PT, DPT

The benefits of Medical Therapeutic Yoga have stretched beyond both the clinical setting and mat for my patients. Patients who may have struggled finding relief with traditional PT, battle the psychological and emotional stress of anxiety, depression, and impatience in dealing with injury and functional limitations, or find it challenging to remain motivated to move and take care of their bodies, have found a safe and healthy avenue through Ginger's method.

Did You Know?

  • Continuing Education

    If you are a registered yoga teacher with Yoga Alliance you may use these hours for your continuing education requirements. Dr. Garner is an ERYT500 & YACEP with Yoga Alliance.

  • Health Benefits

    Medical Therapeutic Yoga has been lauded by world renowned scientists, doctors, and therapists as a “thorough roadmap to understanding how yoga may be to used,” “a landmark volume which documents the continuity of yoga with our contemporary understanding of neuromuscular function,” and “a masterful exploration of the bio in the biopsychosocial model of healthcare while simultaneously embracing the psychosocial contributions of yoga philosophies.”

  • Free Resources

    Did you know Dr. Garner has made the Basic MTY Video Library available at no cost to you, your clients, and students? Visit to sign up today!

Buy the Book

  • Get Started Now

    You can purchase Medical Therapeutic Yoga anywhere books are sold. It is readily available on Amazon.